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VCE School Rankings 2024

Discover the top performing VCE schools in Victoria for 2024. Get insights into academic excellence, median study scores, and what makes these schools stand out.

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Mac.Robertson Girls' High School building

The ATAR results for this year's Year 12 cohort have just been released, and the changes in school rankings are significant. Whether you're a parent or a student in Year 7-11, understanding these changes is crucial for planning ahead. Let's explore the latest rankings and what they mean for future VCE students.

Overview of the 2024 VCE ATAR Rankings

Here's a look at the VCE ATAR rankings for 2023 compared to 2024:

Top 10 Victorian Schools by VCE Performance (2024)

School2023 Rank2024 RankChange
Ballarat Clarendon College11
Huntingtontower School32
MacRobertson Girls High School143
Mount Scopus Memorial College44
St Catherine's School105
Ruyton Girls' School56
Haileybury College (Girls)117
Bialik College28
Melbourne Girls Grammar339
Melbourne High School1210

Key Takeaways from the 2024 Rankings

As we can see from the table above, some schools have maintained their positions, while others have experienced significant changes in their rankings.

Major Improvements

- MacRobertson Girls High School saw an impressive jump from 14th to 3rd. This improvement is largely due to an increase in the percentage of students scoring 40+ in their subjects, which grew from 25.7% to 31.1% in 2024.

- Melbourne Grammar School also experienced a major rise, moving from 33rd in 2023 to 9th in 2024. This is a significant shift, reflecting improvements in academic performance and overall student outcomes.

What Does This Mean for You?

If you're a parent or student planning ahead for VCE years, understanding these changes is essential. Whether you are aiming for a school that consistently ranks highly or looking for a school on the rise, these rankings provide valuable insight into where students are thriving.

We highly recommend going to Better Education to see the full list of schools and their rankings.

How to Make the Right Choice for Your Child's Education

When deciding on which school to apply to for the 2026 cohort, consider not just the current ranking but also the trends and changes in the data. Schools that have made significant strides, like MacRobertson Girls High School and Melbourne Girls Grammar, may present new opportunities for academic success.

With schools like MacRobertson Girls High School making dramatic leaps in rankings, now is the perfect time to explore your child's educational opportunities. Take the first step by using our free Opportunity Finder to discover which selective schools and programs align with your child's potential and could set them up for VCE success.