Elevate your learning experience

Make your study experience fun and personalised with Big Brain!

What we do

We offer personalised study plans and give detailed insights on where to improve.

Who it's for

Students who want to improve their grades and gain academic advantage.

Why choose us

Make studying more efficient by pinpoint your areas of improvement.

Study at your own pace

Our study plan adapts itself to your preferred study time and duration.

Improve rapidly in your studies

We provide guidance that are tailored specifically to you!

Our Features

Diagnostic test

Take our diagnostic test to find out where you are on your learning journey!

Adaptive study plan

We automatically generate a study plan that adapts to your your pace and needs.

Curated courses

Learn about the subjects you are studying with our curated course content.

Up to

1-2 hours

of more efficient studying per day

Up to

15 hours

saved in lost time studying per week

Up to


chance in increasing your scores

Tools to enhance learning efficiency

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